Question Mark
Will I get a break on my rent payments if I lose my job in Virginia?
The moratorium on evictions in Virginia has been lifted by the supreme court. On June 29, 2020, the governor of Virginia announced the launch of the Rent and Mortgage Relief Program (RMRP). This program will give $50 million in federal funding to households facing eviction or foreclosure due to COVID-19.
Answered by AT
July 14, 2020

Eviction cases will not be heard or processed in Virginia until June 28, 2020.

Answered by AT
June 24, 2020
At this time, courts and sheriffs' offices in Virginia are not processing, serving or hearing eviction cases. This gives you some time to try and come to an agreement with your landlord or to make an arrangement for paying rent. The Virginia Poverty Law Center has some excellent resources for tenants on its website, as may a housing office in Ruby or in your county seat.
Answered by AT
April 24, 2020