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Spinning Top Museum

Spinning Top Museum
533 Milwaukee Avenue

About Us:

The Spinning Top Museum, Burlington, Wisconsin, USA; a famous attraction, is a unique and lively visit with hands-on spinning tops, an exhibit of more than 2,000 tops/ yo-yos/ gyroscopes; top spinning videos, plus a live presentation by the celebrity The Top Lady, Judith Schulz. Here everyone is a kid again, when they spin tops at the Top Museum. Meet the Tops Expert from an MGM movie, spin top toys, see unusual spinner tops in the presentation, and afterwards visit the gift shop with hundreds of spinning things, both modern and antique. At scheduled tours you can spin and see toy tops, trompos, trottoles, toupies, kreisels, komas, and more from around the world.

Spinning Top Museum is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
