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Portage Lakes Branch Library

4261 Manchester Road

Portage Lakes Branch Library is accessible from Interstate 76/US 224 at the Wooster Rd. exit, southwest on Wooster to State St., southeast to Manchester Rd., south to the Branch. It is also accessible from US 224/I-277 at the Manchester Rd. exit, southward, or from State Route 619, northward.

Portage Lakes Branch Library opened in 1990; the 12,000 square foot building cost $1.3 million at the time it was built, including furniture and equipment. A combination of the old Coventry and Manchester Branches, Portage Lakes has been one of the busiest branches in the Akron-Summit County Public Library system since its opening. Notable features include nine pieces of site-specific art created by northern Ohio artists, photographs of historic Portage Lakes in the meeting room, and award-winning landscaping.

The latest statistics show that Portage Lakes Branch circulated 190,966 items in 2004, and houses a collection of 49,169 items.

We are open 6 daysa week to meet your needs for education, information and recreation.

Our friendly, skilled staff includes a branch and adult services librarian; two librarians serving children from babies through high school age; and public service assistants.

Portage Lakes Branch Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
