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Poipu Bay Golf Course

Poipu Bay Golf Course
2250 Ainako Street

About Us:

Poipu Bay Resort Golf Course is a Public Resort golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones in Koloa, HI. Poipu Bay Golf Course is home of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf from 1994-2006. This outstanding course is backed by lush emerald mountains and sculpted from a rolling plateau eight stories above the Pacific Ocean. Nestled among the gentle contours of Poipu Bay you’ll discover the remains of Hawaiian heiau (places of worship) and ancient stone walls.

Poipu Bay Golf Course also offers some exceptional amenities like in-cart satellite navigation systems that tell you the exact distance to the hole and pin placement, an on-course beverage cart and refreshing cold towels. If you’re looking to tune-up your game, our experienced pros offer daily clinics and video instruction in addition to hosting group tournaments and a variety of youth programs. Finally, the Golf Shop at Poipu Bay is rated as one of the finest in America. All together, it makes Poipu Bay one of the nation’s top golf destinations.This is a  18 hole golf course.

Poipu Bay Golf Course is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
