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Museums of Cassidy Park

Museums of Cassidy Park
Willis Avenue at Pocahontas Street

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The Museums in Cassidy Park; The Pioneer Museum and the Museum of Native American Museum, exhibit artifacts and interpretive materials and programs relevant to the history of the City of Bogalusa, Louisiana and its surrounding communities.

The museums are set in Cassidy Park, which offers a beautiful and tranquil wooded area almost completely surrounded by a clear, fast flowing creek. The Park also includes walking paths, a scenic drive, picnic shelters and a protected area for animals such as ducks, peacocks, geese, chickens and turkeys roam freely and always welcome a crust of bread and where children can enjoy watching them wander freely.

The two Museums are great places to visit, to be entertained and educated about this unusual city, "Admission is Free".

Museums of Cassidy Park is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media