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Massena Public Library

41 Glenn Street


A temporary charter was granted to the Massena library in June of 1897. The library was situated on the second floor of the Martin Block in the last building on the West side of Main Street before the bridge. It was then moved to the Cubley-McDonald block.

The permanent charter was granted in 1902. The library was moved to the new town hall in 1904 and remained there until 1962. It was taken over by the town in 1934.

Victor A. Warren, the son of Henry H. Warren, set aside a sum of money in his will for the erection of a memorial to his father. After the death of Victor Warren's wife and daughter, Seward E. Hanmer, an attorney, became executor of the will and decided upon a library as a suitable memorial and gift.

In September 1962 the new building at 41 Glenn Street was dedicated to the elder Warren and given to the town. With the move into this new building, the library entered upon a period of sustained growth.

Nowadays, people point with pride to the impressive, up-to-date building with its well-stocked shelves and modern facilities. Many individuals have been responsible for the steady growth and progress of the library. Massena has been particularly fortunate with the library directors since 1962: William Slemmer, Barrie Robinson, Alice Bero, Ed Szynaka, David Needham and Paul Schaffer. The library board enjoyed twenty-four years of inspiring leadership under the late President Leonard Johnston. A special debt of gratitude is owed to the late Mr. Seward Hanmer who worked single-mindedly for years to translate the words of Mr. Victor A. Warren's will into reality and who afterward served on the Board of Trustees for many years. Mr. Hanmer's family donated and dedicated in his memory a marble fountain that graces the library's main entrance.

The Massena Town Board has for many years given staunch support to the library, realizing that the library has become not only an information and educational center, but also the cultural heart of the community.

Special mention must be given to those who have left generous bequests to the library, such as Fern Mattis, Marjorie Bowman and Emily Bushnell. The families of Erin Feigin Mueller and Dr. Sidney Aiken have honored their memories with generous gifts. It is our fervent hope, as we prepare for the twenty first century, that our list of benefactors will grow and that the community will continue to honor the library with a high level of support. 

Massena Public Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
