
The Supreme Court of Tennessee began permitting evictions to proceed on June 1, 2020.


There is not currently a ban on foreclosure actions in Tennessee.


All other individual taxes in Tennessee are due by July 15, 2020.


Tennessee claimants may receive benefits for up to 26 weeks. Under extreme unemployment circumstances, the federal…


In Tennessee, real estate, moving, and relocation services are considered essential. While it appears that moving is… View answers

The Department of Community and Economic Development website contains links to numerous resources for businesses… View answers

The CARES Act which was signed into law on March 27, 2020 will provide federal student loan relief to borrowers.… View answers

In order to receive unemployment insurance benefits, you must file a claim with your state's unemployment insurance… View answers

Stimulus checks should be arriving by mid-April. View answers

Here are the groups that are eligible for the full $1,200 stimulus payment: Individual tax filers with an adjusted… View answers

As of March 21, the IRS extended Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. View answers

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The supreme court of Tennessee allowed evictions to proceed as of June 1, 2020.


Restaurants and other small businesses throughout the U.S. have slowly started to reopen. As these businesses were…


Numerous coronavirus surface survival studies have come out over the past few weeks. There are a number of factors that…


Similarly to clothing, you should not be so worried about viral particles being stuck in your hair or facial hair if…


As long as you are doing your best to practice social distancing and you are keeping grocery store trips to a minimum,… View answers

Most experts are reporting that it is unlikely that you will catch the virus through food handlers at the grocery store… View answers

At this point there is little scientific evidence to support that the virus is transmitted through clothing though the… View answers

Don't use any extra harsh chemicals for cleaning your raw fruits and vegetables. Simply soak and wash your produce… View answers

The FDA has reported that so far, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 through contaminated food.… View answers

According to the CDC, you are much more likely to get exposed to the virus from a sick individual than from a… View answers

Yes, senior hours are designated for those who are senior, pregnant, immunocompromised or have any other underlying… View answers

To take the extra precaution of wiping down shopping cart handles and basket handles, bringing disinfectant wipes to… View answers

While it is best to stay at home as much as possible, a trip to the grocery store is inevitable. Here are a few tips… View answers

In order to abide by the social distancing rules and group gathering limits many states have enacted, it is best to… View answers

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School districts will make the decision about what the fall return to school will look like in Tennessee. Some may…


Virtual and distance learning will be important considerations in the reopening of Tennessee schools in the fall, with…


If your child needs assistance with homework, essays, tests, or help adjusting to remote learning, here are some tutors…


Mostly. Tennessee has waived the assessement requirements for its schools but has offered individual districts the…


Yes. Tennessee has received a USDA waiver allowing districts like those in Bellevue to serve meals to children during… View answers

At this time, no. Tennessee instructional time requirements have been waived through the current closure.

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Blood donation centers are in need of your help due to the pandemic. Click here for a list of blood-drives in and…


While no official advisory has been announced by the CDC, some studies suggest that taking a cough suppressant could…


Recently, a number of children throughout the U.S. have developed Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) who also…


As of June 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reporting that there is no evidence to suggest that people are…


The CDC has added congestion or runny nose,nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea to their list of COVID-19: Congestion or… View answers

Visit the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency for a map of donation sites. You may also be able to drop off PPE at… View answers

Isolation differs from quarantine because it describes the action taken by someone who is already sick. Isolation is… View answers

These numbers are changing constantly, and experts still do not fully understand the scope of this virus, so a verified… View answers

Whether you cancel or postpone your travel plans is up to you. With travel restrictions and country-wide lockdowns all… View answers

It is not recommended. The FDA stated that because there is no verifiable information on what methods are being used to… View answers

When disinfecting your home, it's important to use EPA-registered products. Those products include common disinfectants… View answers

While influenza and COVID-19 are similar in their symptoms and transmission, there are a few important distinctions to… View answers

During the novel coronavirus outbreak, quarantine is for people who are not showing any symptoms but were exposed to… View answers

It is unlikely. The World Health Organization reported that your chances of catching COVID-19 from a package is low as… View answers

Because observation of the novel coronavirus is still so new, it's difficult to say exactly how long the virus survives… View answers

Outside the United States, it has been reported that a number of dogs and cats have contracted COVID-19 after close… View answers

The CDC is now recommending that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing is… View answers

As much of the information and research regarding the novel coronavirus is new and still developing, there are no… View answers

There is not currently a vaccine for the novel coronavirus View answers

It has been reported that most cases of COVID-19 are mild. If you are only experiencing mild symptoms, you should… View answers

Social distancing is a preventative measure that involves creating physical distance between people in order to avoid… View answers

Factors that put you at high-risk for experiencing more severe complications from the novel coronavirus include: Age –… View answers

Community spread defines the spread of an illness from an unknown source. In the case of the novel coronavirus, when… View answers

The most common way that novel coronavirus spreads is from person-to-person and it does so in the following ways: When… View answers

While the cost for diagnostic testing for coronavirus is now covered through recently-passed legislation, treatment for… View answers

As most cases of the novel coronavirus are mild, the best thing for a patient to do is recover at home. If someone in… View answers

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which was signed into law on March 18, ensures that no American will have… View answers

The novel coronavirus is most commonly spread when someone comes into contact with a sick person, so it is best to… View answers

Experts indicate that in mild COVID-19 cases, patients will take between 1-2 weeks to recovery. For severe cases,… View answers

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If you are unable to get outdoors to local hiking trails or jog in your neighborhood, there are a number of resources…


Even if you're going on a short hike, it's always smart to be prepared while hiking—regardless of the current global…


Hiking and getting outdoors is a great way to stay healthy and relax your mind during this pandemic. But there are a…


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